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Fri Feb 09 2024 17:00:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Avalanche Safety Tips from Wasatch County Sheriff's Office

It's essential to be aware of the potential dangers that come with winter activities, particularly avalanches.


Updated: Feb 9

As winter enthusiasts venture into the breathtaking backcountry of Wasatch County, it's essential to be aware of the potential dangers that come with winter activities, particularly avalanches. Avalanches account for 52% of severe weather related deaths in Utah, according to the Utah Department of Public Safety.

The Wasatch County Sheriff's Office is committed to ensuring the safety of our community, and we want to share some vital tips to help you enjoy the winter wonderland responsibly.

Wasatch National Forest covered in snow
Wasatch National Forest. Photo by Ethan Dow.

Understanding the Danger:

Avalanches can occur when layers of snow build up and become unstable, releasing down a slope. The Wasatch County terrain, known for its picturesque landscapes, can pose avalanche risks, especially in specific conditions. It's crucial to comprehend the factors contributing to avalanches and stay informed about the current snow conditions.

Before You Go:

Check Avalanche Forecasts:

Stay updated on the latest avalanche forecasts for the area you plan to visit. Resources like the Utah Avalanche Center provide valuable information about current snowpack conditions and avalanche danger levels.

Complete an Avalanche Safety Course:

It is essential to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate avalanche terrain. We strongly encourage taking an avalanche safety course to understand snowpack dynamics, terrain evaluation, and rescue techniques. Courses are offered in person and online. 

On the Trail:

Travel with Partners:

Always venture into the backcountry with a group. In the event of an avalanche, having numerous people with you increases the chances of a successful rescue.

Carry Essential Gear:

Pack avalanche safety gear, including a transceiver, beacon, probe, and shovel. It is crucial to ensure everyone in your group knows how to use this equipment effectively. 

Assess Terrain:

Be vigilant about the terrain you traverse. Steep slopes, convexities, and areas with recent avalanche activity are potential danger zones. Plan your route accordingly.

If Caught in an Avalanche:

Try to Escape to the Side:

If you see an avalanche starting, try to escape to the side of the path. Moving perpendicular to the flow may help you avoid being caught.

Hold on to Something:

Grab onto a tree or rock if possible to anchor yourself. This can help prevent being carried too far by the avalanche.

Swim and Roll:

As the avalanche slows, try to stay on the surface by swimming movements. If buried, create an air pocket in front of your face by covering your mouth with one arm and using the other to clear space.

After the Avalanche: 

Time is critical. Conduct a beacon search and initiate rescue efforts immediately if someone is buried. Call 911 as soon as possible. Every second counts in increasing chances of survival.

By staying informed, prepared, and practicing safety measures, we can all enjoy the winter wonders of Wasatch County responsibly. Stay safe and have a wonderful winter adventure!


The men and women of the Wasatch County Sheriff's Department



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