
The Corrections Division is comprised of approximately 40 deputies who oversee the Wasatch County Jail, a 100-bed facility designed for inmates who will be serving less than a year behind bars.
In addition, some inmates are housed for the State prison system in exchange for funding. To rehabilitate those who are serving time in jail, the Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office provides opportunities for inmates to work inside the jail. Deputies in Corrections oversee these individuals as they clean and complete projects in less restricted areas of the jail.
Those who meet certain criteria may also work on County-owned property by cleaning, cutting lawns, or shoveling snow. This is a unique opportunity that prepares inmates for their transition back into society by preparing them for respectable employment.

Another core responsibility of the Corrections department is to ensure the safety and security of those with judicial business at the Wasatch County Justice Center. Safety is first accomplished by screening everyone that enters the Justice Center.
In addition, we provide bailiff services for the Fourth District Court, the Fourth District Juvenile Court, and the Wasatch County Justice Court. The primary duty of a bailiff is to maintain security and order in the courtroom in addition to moving incarcerated persons from the jail to the courts for their appearances.
Thanks to the hard work and support of volunteers in the community, inmates can study and learn skills in a variety of areas, including math, reading, and computers.
In partnership with the Wasatch County School District, they may also earn their high school diploma, if needed. They may also attend drug and alcohol support groups, as well as religious services.
These services would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers who commit their lives to helping this community. Volunteers, thank you for donating your time and expertise!